
Front-end, Design, UX

In the creation of my professional portfolio, I opted to utilize SvelteKit couplped with Tailwind CSS, leveraging the modern capabilities of these tools to build a fast and responsive website. SvelteKit, a framework built on top of Svelte, offers an exceptional developer experience by simplifying state management and component composition, which significantly accelerated the development process. Tailwind CSS was chosen for its utilit-first approach that allows for rapid styling without leaving the markup.

One of the main features of using Svelte is the familiarty to vanilla JavaScript, combined with the intuitive routing, and the ease of creating reusable components. Tailwind CSS was chosen for this project to aviod clashing class names and to speed up the development, all though Svelte does solve this issue to a certain degree with the ability to define the styles inside of the component files.

This portfolio is not just a collection of past works but a dynamic platform that I plan to evolve as my skills and experiences grow.

Landing page of my portfolio

Thanks for reading, feel free to check out the project on GitHub.
