Movie Gallery

Database, Front-end, Design, Collaboration

This project was part of the course Databases and Web Based Systems at Umeå University which focused on methods for storing and managing data with ASP.NET MVC, and SQL The application developed is a digital library for movies, allowing users to discover new releases and top-rated titles. Administrators have the capability to create, edit, and delete movie entries, while regular users can leave reviews.

A best practice before developing such an application is to create an entity-relationship model, which in this project, helped us visualize database relationships and structure, see the figure below.

Movie Gallery Entity Model.

One of the key challenges was implementing CRUD functions for tables within a many-to-many relationship. For instance, a movie may feature multiple actors, and conversely, actors may participate in various movies. This complexity was managed by creating a junction table, named 'Cast', which stores the primary keys of both movies and actors.

Overall, this project provided substantial insights into database design, the construction of SQL queries, and the .NET platform. The final product, as illustrated in subsequent figures, showcases the practical application of these skills.

Movie Gallery index view

Thanks for reading, feel free to check out the project on GitHub.
